Friday, 18 May 2012

Ministerial appeal raises more issues

The Minister of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti) has asked the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) to withhold the issuing of the Temporary Operating Licence to Lynas until the issues raised have been dealt with. A deadline of 31st May 2012 was set for the AELB.



  1. Hope this article is useful :

  2. Useful for Nuclear reactor radiation, Is Malaysia getting a Nuclear Reactor?

    This is a blog article that has cherry-picked facts and has not included other relevant discussion. Thats not very credible article blog. I can read article that says drinking too much water is unsafe. Soldiers have died from drinking excessive amounts of water in Afganhistan, what is your point?

    Nonetheless this article is not very useful for Lynas operations. Hospital workers have higher radiation than Lynas workers.

    "The most comprehensive study of nuclear workers by the IARC, involving 600,000 workers exposed to an average cumulative dose of 19mSv, showed a cancer risk consistent with that of the A-bomb survivors."

    Its good to see that Lynas is only 6 mSv right at the source. And also there are 600,000 other radiation workers. Only 800 or so at L:ynas. Maybe only one worker will die in 60 years of radiation. I not like to be him/her.

    Thanks for the article it supports Lynas argument further. Residents wont be affected and Lynas material "AT THE SOURCE" is 3 times lower

    Well done Lynas :)

  3. Please go back to Australia and benefit your Australian, you are not welcome.

  4. I am currently in Australia. How can I go back to where I already am?

    But seriously...Do you also demand other companies in Kuantan also return to their countries? The other chemical processing companies such as BP Chemicals, MTBE, Flexsys, Bredero Shaw, Eastman Chemical, Kaneka, Polyplastics, Mieco,KNM, JiKang,W.R. Grace, Cryovac, PPSC,AMC, etc. All of the companies are in Kuantan NOW, and ALL OF THEM produce hazardous waste and are dumping chemical waste into your waterways and also to landfill, right now. They are doing it right now. Did you know that?

    All of those companies have waste, and all are dumping into waterways, disposing to landfill and emitting pollution to the atmosphere.

    They have licences from the EPA to do this.

    What about them?
