Monday, 5 November 2012

Anguished Mothers take their grievances and complaint to PM

Press statement of Kuantan Mothers to Stop Lynas
Anguished Mothers take their grievances and complaint to PM
5th November, 2012
Today, a group of mothers from Kuantan took their concerns in a memorandum to the Prime Minister YAB Dato Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak.  They were scheduled to meet YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz from the Prime Minister’s Office at 4.00pm at the Parliament house to hand over the memorandum and to show their anguish over the Lynas project.

Puan Rahiza Zulkifli who led the team explained, “As mothers, we are worried for our children’s future.  I have a young son.  I have worked hard to create a comfortable living environment for him. I want him to have a safe and secure future not for a foreign company to make money out of dumping massive amount of toxic radioactive waste in our backyard.”

The mothers were joined by several busloads of supporters and concerned fathers who gathered outside the Parliament to give them moral support and cheer them on.
The mothers was appealing to the PM to hold the Atomic Energy licensing Board (AELB) and the Minister responsible for the AELB, Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) accountable and responsible for their role in facilitating the hazardous world-scale Lynas rare earth refinery near Kuantan.

“We are disappointed by the government for failing to put rakyat first to protect their family and Kuantan’s future.  We want a safe and clean development path for our family and our country.  We are shocked by the AELB giving Lynas the operating licence when we have no idea where the toxic waste will be stored.  I do not want my children and their children to live in this risky toxic condition.” Said Santha Govindasamy another mother from Kuantan.

In the memorandum, the mothers asserted that Malaysia will earn a poor reputation for hosting such a world-scale hazardous project and allowing a foreign company to dump millions of tonnes of toxic radioactive waste from rare earth ore imported from Australia with radioactive substances onto its beautiful shore tax free, an action which only a third world country will allow!

The mothers are extremely concerned with the impact of such a poor and ill-considered decision on their family and all future generations who will have to live with the problem forever.

“I have three young children and we pay our taxes and contribute to the economy actively.  I cannot simply pretend that there is no problem when I know Lynas will bring ruins to our town.  How will I explain to my children that Lynas will be poisoning our backyard forever?” asked a young Kuantan mother, Bernice Nyew.

The mothers collectively appealed to the Prime Minister - as a loyal son of Pahang, as a father and a leader of the country, to exercise his duty of care and to show strong leadership to intervene in the interests of the rakyat and for the country’s long-term sustainable development to Stop Lynas before its too late.
“As mothers, we hope for a peaceful and satisfactory resolution to this problem which has plagued our country since we have learnt of its existence from the media last year. As mothers, we vow to fight till the end for a cleaner and safer Malaysia.” Concluded Rahiza.


  1. How much did the chinease PAY you? How much did Tan pay you? You have embarassed the ROYAL FAMILY, Do you not know this?? Or do you not care?? The plant was proven SAFE and the Royal family has stated that it is SAFE. You do not believe the ROYAL FAMILY??. You say ROYAL FAMILY is LIARS?? You do not make good malaysian.. You should be put in JAIL for what you LIE about..!!

  2. ok,

    So now uneducated mothers are the experts?

    What are there concerns? Do they still think this is nuclear plant. hahahahaha

    I can imagine the mothers going to Najib to complain....

    Mothers: Hello Najib, we are against the Lynas plant

    Najib: Why are you against Lynas?

    Mothers: We don't know exactly why, someone from SMSL told us this is nuclear plant and all our babies will die.

    Najib: But haven't all the world governing authorities say Lynas meet all requirements?

    Mothers: We don't know exactly why, someone from SMSL told us this is nuclear plant and all our babies will die.

    Najib: But its not a nuclear plant, its a chemical plant. It also would produce less toxic waste than coal plants and far less than Petronas refinery. Do you know this?

    Mothers: We don't know this, but we dont care if it is less pollution. Someone from SMSL told us all our babies will die.

    Najib: Where is your evidence that all your babies will die.

    Mothers: What is evidence? What does that mean. SMSL said there is evidence eveywhere because Bukit Merah.

    Najib: But Bukit Merah was Malaysian rare earths and they dumped waste illegally.

    Mothers: We dont care. Our babies will die. Then our future will be nothing because everyone is dead. SMSL told us.

    Najib: Have you sought information form your local doctors who are experienced in this area?

    Mothers: Yes, our experts SMSL said they are Doctors too and they know everything. SMSL said they are pro-green because waste is anti-green.

    Najib: Did you know that Lynas produces products that will reduce pollution in Malaysia, therefore making Malaysia safer for your babies?

    Mothers: We don't understand about renewable energy. But our babies will die and have no future. We prefer coal electricity which is far more polluting. Hmmm. maybe SMSL is incorrect? What about our babies?

    Najib: Your babies are fine. Many locations in Malaysia have high radioactivity naturally occurring, much more than Lynas. If you live in a brick or wood house you have more radiation tan if you put tent next to Lynas facility. Everyone knows this. Why are you complaining still even when I show you the science and the evidence. All the experts agree that there is no health risk and minimal environmental risk.

    Mothers: We don't care about evidence, we only care about babies and future. SMSL told us our family will die.

    Najib: Fuck off you idiots.

  3. Prominent Kuantan Doctor Rubbishes Concerns Over Lynas' Radioactivity

    KUANTAN: A prominent Pahang doctor has rubbished concerted "lies" spread by the Opposition among local residents on radioactive concerns from the recently completed RM2.5 billion Lynas rare earth plant here, saying that the anti-Lynas campaign was purely politically motivated to win votes in the coming general election.

    Datuk Dr Looi Hoong Wah, a consultant physician with 40 years interest in nuclear medicine and particle physics, said the anti-Lynas activists had been brainwashing the people here for the last two years despite the fact that there would be "absolutely no radiation waste or any toxic waste whatever" from the plant.

    Lynas' safety was verified by six independent bodies, including the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the world’s highest authority for atomic energy.

    "The substance they bring in is just nothing but rare earth oil containing a tiny bit of weak radioactive thorium 232. That is an extremely weak sort of radioactive substance and it has a very long life of tens of billions of years.

    "And all this anti-Lynas people say...oh our great-great grandchildren are going to suffer for 14 billion years. This is absolutely rubbish," he said.

    Dr Looi said if one were to look at the half life of radioactive material (the time required for a quantity to fall to half its value), the longer the half life, the less dangerous it would be.

    "For instance, if half of a house is burned down in 14 billion years, will it cause any problem? No, it won't cause any problem because there is only a tiny fire, whereas if it is burned down in 40 minutes, then a lot of people will get killed or injured.

    "The same thing with lead, the one we use in our car batteries. It has a long half life as well of 19 billion years. Because it has such a long half life, it is practically non-radioactive when you use it in your cars. So thorium is very weak radioactively," he told Bernama in an interview.

  4. Asked how he got interested in nuclear science and particle physics, Dr Looi said he developed an interest when he was a medical student in Manchester about 40 years ago as one of his tutors was a nuclear physicist.

    He said he had put thorium in his hand without any side-effects till today because thorium, when released outside connected with electrons to produce helium gas, just like the one used to fill balloons, which was completely harmless.

    Dr Looi reckoned that it was purely for political reasons that the Opposition was trying to work everybody up about the Lynas plant in Gebeng.

    "The thorium 232 or decay products produce only a tiny bit of electron, which is electricity. It doesn't cause any problem. You find that Lynas' radiation, once you are outside of the boundaries of the plant, the radiation is zero. There is no instrument on this earth which is sensitive enough to pick it up," he said.

    Dr Looi said the disinformation on the Lynas bordered on ridiculous assertions because even in a human body there was radioactivity as well due to potassium, which doctors gave to patients to control the intake of salt in hypertension and other cases.

    "Even in our body, we have about 4,400 becquerel (Bq) whereas the Lynas waste and ore contain less than 6 Bq per gram. This is already 124 times more than the Lynas worst case scenario. So why complain about a Lynas plant in Gebeng here where there are 124 Lynas plants in your body producing radioactivity?"

    Asked on the effects on workers, he said what they could possibly get was only less than 20 per cent of the permitted dosage.

    Dr Looi also quoted Dr Nick Tsurikov, the international radiation specialist, as saying that there was no radiation risk whatsoever as far as the Lynas plant was concerned.

    He also said that opposition to the plant should take into account that more than 1,000 quality jobs were at stake and these are people with families for them to put food on the table.

    "Once you have a rare earth plant around, (other) companies will come, like Siemens (which) is planning to come in and make use of the rare earth. They will produce thousands more jobs because of the spill-over effects," he said.

    Dr Looi appealed to non-governmental organisations and the Opposition to "wake up" and realise that the Lynas plant would be of great benefit to the country.

    "You can brainwash people for some time but you can't brainwash them forever," he said.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Look at all the pictures. Faces of these women appear on all the pictures. These are the same women with the same mental problem as SMSL. They are smsl. All these idiots are the same people in all protests. They cannot find other people to protest. Just same people getting paid by same chinease people. They dont care about malaysia- They care about only there greedy selfs. Fuck SMSL- THEY ARE LIARS- ALL OF THEM.

  8. Note - the comments above tagged 'Removed By Author' were removed by SMSL, not the author

  9. Hi real world, I am the author, and I deleted those because I had accidentally posted them twice.

    While I appreciate your support against these smsl idiots, we must not make up lies it assume things. It makes us no better than the smsl.

    I trust I have clarified things for you.

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