SMSL/PSHK Press statement on the 25th July 2014
Lynas Advance materials Plant’s (LAMP) Temporary Operating License (TOL) will expire by 3rd September 2014. It would have to cease operation if it is not renewed by then!
SMSL hereby urge the AELB, the regulating authority to consider the following facts before deciding on their application to renew the TOL:
1. Lynas has failed to identify the location for the PDF within 10 months of its operations as required by the AELB
2. It has failed to intensify its engagement with the local communities and provide them with adequate information relating to their operations as recommended by IAEA.
3.It has not shown nor provided any information regarding their proposals to recycle all their solid wastes.
4.Does Lynas have the financial capability in recycling the wastes? How do they propose to do it when they can’t even pay the security deposit of USD 10 million each year according to the original agreement!
5.They had to resort to issuing rights issues and institutional placement of loan to raise enough funds to last through the last quarter. Their share price had plunged to a record low of AUD 0.115 level just before the rights issue!
6.Lynas has a total borrowing of USD 440 million from two of their creditors and the next repayment of USD 35 million is due this 15th September. It is facing serious financial difficulties. With the continued depressed prices of REE in the international market, Lynas is experiencing losses through every kg of REE they processed. They had to resort to stockpiling the REE they produced in order not to further depress the REE prices thus lessening their losses. The restructuring of loans will determine if it will last another quarter!!
7. The people of Kuantan, Balok and the communities living nearby are gravely concerned with the data collected by the regulating authorities showing a slow and steady increase of background radiation since Lynas started its operations. This is consistent with findings by Professor Yoshihiko Wada, PhD from Doshisha University, Kyoto.
8. The fact that Lynas is imminently facing the possibility of a foreclosure brings into focus on the disposal of the wastes! AELB should seriously consider these facts before they decide to renew Lynas’ TOL. I
In order to convey these messages to the authorities concerned, SMSL is organizing a rally for the people of Kuantan and greater Kuantan at the MPK Padang 1 on the 17th August (Sunday). We are also sending a delegation comprising of local residents to hand in memorandums to the AELB and Lynas Monitoring Committee on the 14th August. We welcome all residents of Kuantan and greater Kuantan to participate in the rally as well as the trip to hand in the Memos.
For further information, please contact SMSL’s hotline 012 982 3302.
Friday 25 July 2014
Friday 18 July 2014
正当反稀土厂运动进入第4年之际, 莱纳斯获得2年临时运作执照也即将届满。
一如我们派发的第一张传单里面所说的,如果政府监管部门,原子能源执照局能秉公执法, 莱纳斯肯定要在9月3 日停厂,因为它没有履行临时执照中的条款,所以它的临运执照将不会获得更新!
我们无法猜测原子能执照局是否会依法处理,不过如果以过去曾发生的事故和惯例来看,我们对莱纳斯稀土厂会否在9月3 日停止运作,抱着存疑的态度,不想妄下定论!
1. 截至2013 年年终,莱纳斯的应付款项数额是应收的5倍。 (澳币38,200 ,000 比 7,600.000)
3.莱纳斯在年中业务报告中提及,它在过去6个月生产了994屯稀土氧化物,可是只卖出了627 屯。同期间它的
库存价值从澳币530,000元 直线上升至4,420.000元!
4.在扣除折旧及摊销下,莱纳斯的自由流动现金已呈负数,若再扣除年度化金额占澳币24,500,000, 它的流动现金
5.面对流动现金的匮乏下, 莱纳斯将无能力承担它的财务责任,包括维持在马来西亚的稀土厂运作所需的费用!
2014年9 月30 日 美金 35 million
2015年3 月31 日 美金45 million
2015年9 月30 日 美金45 million
2016年3 月31 美金90 million
总数: 美金215 million
图表1 :莱纳斯摊还双日贷款本金时间表
除此之外, 莱纳斯向Mt Kellet售出的2亿2千5百万美金的可换股债卷将在2016年7月25日期满,届时它
令人觉得有趣的是莱纳斯在向Mt Kellet 出售可换股债卷时,立下一项特殊的规定:那就是莱纳斯在运作的首
期间,需连续6个月达致预期生产量的70%,方可发出新股。除非Mt Kellet 搁置此条件,莱纳斯只有提出要
6.莱纳斯向银行举债,负债与产权比例已达致0.87;这意味着它的现有资金一半是向银行借来的!虽说它仍可继续向金融市场融资,以它目前的市场地位,肯定不会获得优惠待遇,更何况双日Sojitz当日贷款与莱纳斯时,立下条例,规定莱纳斯必须将获得新的贷款的50% 用来摊还双日的部分贷款!就算莱纳斯能以新债还旧债,它需对新债应付的利率将会比旧的利率来的高!
7. 总而言之莱纳斯注定会失败。这不是会否的问题而是几时!现有的债主会否决定扬长而去,或继续以手上的资金投入此已无可挽救的投资项目?接下来的几个财务季期报告,对莱纳斯来说是具生死关键性的时刻!
8.以莱纳斯的净资产来计算,它每股值澳币28仙。以今天2014年7月15日的每股股价13.5 仙来算,它只得它的估值价格的48%,如以它三年前所处的高峰来比较,它的股值已流失不下95%!(摘录自SJH研究报告)
由此可见莱纳斯 还能撑多久?
Bolehkah Kilang nadir Bumi Lynas diberhentikan?
Sedangkan kempen Berhentikan Lynas (Stop Lynas) menjelang tahun ke-4, kilang nadir bumi Lynas (LAMP) sudah pun hampir genap dua tahun ia beroperasi dengan Lesen Operasi Sementara (TOL) yang akan tamat tempohnya pada 2hb September ini.
Sepertimana yang kami jelaskan dalam risalah-risalah yang diedarkan kepada orang ramai sebelum ini, Lynas tidak akan dapat membaharui lesen TOLnya kerana ia tidak memenuhi syarart-syarat yang dikemukakan oleh AELB atas Lesen Operasi Sementara (TOL) itu! Maka dengan ini, kilang nadir bumi Lynas haruslah ditutup oleh AELB mulai 3hb September nanti!
Adakah ini akan menjadi kenyataan pada hari tersebut? Kami tidak mahu lagi membuang masa untuk meneka apa kesudahanya sebab daripada apa yang pernah terjadi pada masa dahulu, sudah pasti kilang nadir bumi Lynas ini TIDAK akan berhenti beroperasi pada 3hb September ini!
Akan tetapi, nasib yang menimpa pada kilang nadir bumi Mitsubishi Asian Rare Earth (ARE) di Bukit Merah pada tahun 90’an akan berulang dan menimpa pada kilang nadir bumi Lynas di Gebeng, Kuantan.
Untuk lebih memahami hakikatnya, sila renungi perkembangan dan fakta-fakta berikut:
1. Laporan Kewangan berakhir pada 31hb Dis 2013, hutang yang perlu dijelaskan oleh Lynas adalah 5 kali ganda lebih daripada wang yang boleh diperolehi (Hutang: AUD 38.2 juta – Pendapatan: AUD 7.6 juta)
2. Lynas telah memilih untuk menyimpan stok Lanthanum-nya daripadadijual kerana harganya terlalu rendah dimana harga pasaran untuk Lanthanum hanya USD $6/kg manakala kos pengeluaran mencecah USD $15/kg! Pada awal bulan Januari 2014, Lynas telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa ia tidak akan menerima sebarang tempahan bagi Lathanum jika harga Lanthanum tidak mencapai USD $15/kg.
3. Dalam laporan kewangan 6 bulan lepas, Lynas mengumumkan ia telah menghasilkan nadir bumi oxide (REO) sebanyak 994 ton. Akan tetapi ia hanya dapat menjual sebanyak 627 ton sahaja! Oleh sebab demikian kos penyimpanan inventori bagi barangan siap melonjak dari AUD $ 0.53 juta kepada AUD$ 4.42 juta!
4. Setelah ditolak nilai susut dan penghapusan aset lapuk, Lynas kini mengalami kekurangan wang tunai untuk beroperasi dan perbelanjaan. Jika diambilkira dengan penolakan susut nilai tahunan sebanyak AUD$ 24.5 juta (untuk 6 bulan pertama tahun 2014 adalah AUD$12.2 juta) ia akan mengurangkan wang perbelanjaan tahunannya sebanyak AUD$2.8 juta!
5. Dalam keadaan sedemikian, Lynas tidak berupaya untuk menunaikan kewajipan kewangannya, apalagi untuk terus menanggung kos operasi kilang nadie bumi LAMP ini. Lynas mempunyai dua kreditor utama iaitu Sojitz dan Mt. Kellet. Hutang Lynas kepada Sojitz Jepun adalah sebanyak USD$215 juta yang perlu dilangsaikan mengikut jadual seperti berikut:
30 September 2014 USD 35 juta
31 Mac 2015 USD 45 juta
30 September 2015 USD 45 juta
31 Mac 2016 USD 90 juta
Jumlah: USD 215 juta
Selain daripada itu, kreditor Mt. Kellet telah membeli bon sebanyak USD 225 juta daripada Lynas. Ini perlu dijelaskan sepenuhnya menjelang bulan Julai 2016. Jumlah hutang kedua-dua kreditor ini ialah USD440 juta yang perlu dijelaskan sepenuhnya dalam tahun 2016!
Salah satu syarat yang dikenakan oleh Mt. kellet kepada Lynas semasa membeli bonnya ialah Lynas dilarang mengeluarkan saham-saham baru selagi ia tidak dapat mencapai 70% kapasiti pengeluaran untuk Fasa 1 selama 6 bulan berturut-turut. Buat masa ini, Lynas masih tidak dapat lagi mencapai tahap pengularan ini dan nampaknya Lynas hanya mempunyai satu pilihan lain sahaja, iaitu untuk meminta jadual pembayaran hutang yang baru daripada Mt. Kellet!
6. Lynas telah banyak meminjam daripada bankdiman separuh daripada dananya merupakan wang pinjaman bank! Mungkin ia dapat terus meminjam daripada pelbagai sumber kewangan, akan tetapi ini akan meningkat kos operasinya! Yang lebih merunsingkan Lynas pada masa ialah dimana mengikut perjanjian pinjaman Sojitz kepada Lynas, sebarang pinjaman kewangan yang baru, 50% daripada pinjaman barunya mestilah digunakan untuk membayar hutang yang sedia ada kepada Sojitz dahulu sebelum Lynas boleh mengunakan wang pinjaman yang baru ini.
7. Dengan pendek kata , Lynas pasti akan gagal dalam pelaburan ini! Ini bukan soal kemungkinan tetapi bilakah masanya ia akan lingkup! Laporan kewangan suku tahun yang akan datang akan menentukan segala nasibnya dan masa depan kilang nadir bumi ini.
8. Berdasarkan aset Lynas, nilai satu unit saham sepatutnya berharga AUD 0.28. Akan tetapi saham yang diperniagakan pada 15/7/14, hanya berada di tahap AUD 0.135! Ini boleh mengambarkan kepercayaan and keyakinan para pelabur terhadap Lynas. Jika berbanding dengan nilai saham (NAV) sebenarnya, ia hanya bernilai 0.48% daripada nilai bukunya.
9. Berbanding dengan nilai saham pada tiga tahun yang lepas, ia telah susut sebanyak 95% daripada nilai asalnya!
Kita harus bertanya: Berapakah lama lagi Lynas boleh bertahan berdasarkan kedudukan kewangan terkini?
Bagi semua penduduk Kuantan dan disekitarnya, soalan penting sekali ialah jika kilang Lynas tidak dapat meneruskan operasinya kerana lesen operasinya tidak diperbaharui, adakah ia mempunyai dana yang mencukupi untuk menguruskan pengendalian, penempatan dan penyimpanan sisa-sisa toksik yang sediada dalam kilang tersebut dengan cara selamat dan telus?
Sila bayangkan jika lesen operasi Lynas dapat diperbaharui oleh AELB, apakah sinario masa depan anak cucu kita?
Bersambung kemudian…………
The Stop Lynas Campaign has entered its fourth year. By September 2nd this year, Lynas’ rare earth plant (LAMP) would have been in operation for two years!
As stated in our first flyer, if our government agency AELB were to enforce the rules strictly, LAMP would not be able to get its TOL renewed and it has to stop operating starting 3rd September!
We do not wish to speculate if AELB would play its role fairly and effectively. If past experiences were any guide, we do not cherish any hope that LAMP would be ordered to stop its operations come 3rd September!
However, what ultimately happened to the Asian Rare Earth (ARE) in Bukit Merah gives us hope that the end for LAMP seems to be near.
Here are the facts:
1. As of 31/12/13, Lynas has 5 times more payables than receivables. (AUD 38.2m vs AUD 7.6 m)
2. Lynas chosed to stockpile its lanthanum instead of selling at a loss. It costed Lynas USD 15/kg to produce but received below USD 6/kg in return on selling! To prop up the Average Selling Price, Lynas announced in January it will not accept new orders for lanthanum at prices below USD 15/kg.
3. In the half year interim report, Lynas revealed that it had produced 994 tons but sold only 627 tons of rare earths oxides (REO). Similarly, inventory for finished goods also climbed from AUD 0.53 to AUD 4.42 million (m).
4. Lynas’ free cash flow is negative after accounting for depreciation and amortization. After subtracting the annualized amount of AUD 24.5m (half year FY2014 is AUD 12.2m), free cash flow is negative AUD 2.8m.
5. With negative free cash flow, Lynas will have no money to meet its financial obligations let alone maintain its plant. Lynas has 2 major creditors. The Sojitz loan facility has a principal repayment schedule as shown in Table 3.
30 September 2014 USD 35 million
31 March 2015 USD 45 million
30 September 2015 USD 45 million
31 March 2016 USD 90 million
Total: USD 215 million
Table 3: Sojitz loan facility repayment schedule
In addition, the principal of Mt. Kellet convertible bonds amounting to USD 225m is payable in full on 25 July 2016.
In short, Lynas will need to fork out a total of USD 440m by 2016. Interestingly, the Mt. Kellet convertible bonds come with conditions that restrict Lynas from issuing new shares until Lynas can achieve at least 70% nameplate capacity of Phase 1 over 6 consecutive months [7]. Therefore, unless Mt. Kellet relents, debt financing or debt restructuring are Lynas' only options.
6. Lynas is significantly leveraged with gearing (borrowings/equity) of 0.87, which means, Lynas has almost as much borrowings as it has its own funds. While it is still possible to borrow, it is unlikely Lynas will get favorable terms in view of its poor profitability and prospect. To make the matter worse, the Sojitz loan facility comes with a condition that 50% of any new debt raised must be used for partial repayment. Therefore, even if Lynas is able to swap new debt with old, it will probably service the new debt with even higher interest than that of the old.
7. In conclusion, Lynas will fail. It is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. Will the existing creditors throw in the towel? Or will they continue to throw good money after bad? The next few quarters will be crucial for Lynas' survival.
8. Lynas' net asset per share is AUD 0.28. At the closing price of AUD 0.135 on 15/7/14, it is still trading at a price to book ratio of 0.48. It has shed more than 95% of its peak value. (By Soo Jin Hou – Stop Lynas Coalition)
How much longer can Lynas hold up before it goes down?
The people of Kuantan and greater Kuantan will have to eventually face the spectre that the toxic wastes left behind by LAMP would be the unwanted legacy that will plague the communities for centuries to come even if Lynas did not get its TOL renewed!
Can you imagine what the future would be like if TOL is RENEWED?
To be continued………………………………
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