Friday, 30 September 2011

“拯救大马委员会”(​SMSL)为配合倒数​“地球宪章”绿色盛会​: 反公害系列第五篇(萬​撓二)


为了保卫家园而反对兴建高压电缆的万挠新村居民曾多次与国能交手,而当中最著名的交锋首推2010年3 月17日清晨7时许的“三月围村保卫战”。


居民在2008年7月就国能援引《1990年电供法》第13条款通知的决定向高庭申请司法审核(judicial review),他们也向吉隆坡高等法院申请庭令,阻止国能在法院栽决前进入万挠新村展开工程。


Thursday, 29 September 2011
















此外,山埃在酸性(Acidic)情況下可以形成氰化氫(Hydrogen cyanide),並通通過空氣擴散。人類透過呼吸空氣、飲水、吃食物或接觸含有氰化物的土壤,就會接觸到氰化物,而一旦接觸到這些有毒物質便會心跳加速,失去知覺,呼吸衰竭進而死亡,而小孩與孕婦將首當其衝。
一旦發生山埃泄漏,遭污染的河水流向雙溪冬后�向雙溪立卑,屆時不只勞勿3000 多居民的生命將受到威脅,立卑縣一帶的居民也難逃一劫。

《地球憲章 》的落實和執行,人民的意願受到尊重,可以令受到威脅的生命��逃過一劫!








聆聽,《地球憲章》的號角而今吹起,“尊重和關心生命共同體” 已不再是掛在口角上的浮誇之詞,直叫勞勿居民太沈重的山埃,也不應再在今天成為居民申訴的議題了。



Tuesday, 27 September 2011



“地球憲章”開宗明義闡明“ 尊重和關心生命共同體”,可是,深受公害問題困擾的勞勿居民,卻至今仍然無法感受到條文保障下的“尊重和關心”,以致必須對武吉公滿的冶金計劃進行“抗山埃,保家園”運動。






他們對山埃 說不的同時,也必須向行政及執法當局的草率定論和阻礙說不,而政治人物發表的“山埃無害健康”、“不要政治化”和“不要情緒化”言論,更如雪上加霜,令一心反公害的他們心寒。


勞勿居民比關丹便早進行的反公害鬥爭,所訴諸的司法程序也暫告一個段落,可是事件並會就此落幕,在可以預見的將來,反山埃議題將會繼續延燒,促使世人更加愛惜地球,更加努力落實“地球憲章”的“ 尊重和關心生命共同體”,還受害者一個道。

“拯救大馬委員會”(SMSL)宣傳主任  方宗良。

Himpunan Hijau 109

Date : 27 Sept 2011

Leading to the Himpunan Hijau 109 on October 9th, Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas (SMSL) is collaborating with the Himpunan Hjau 109 Organizing Committee to release a series of articles relevant to the Earth Charter everyday linking the many issues of concern relevant to Malaysia to instil a greater understanding of some of the fundamental principles of the Charter whilst highlighting how a more sustainable and safer path could and should be pursued for Malaysia.

For your info,
Himpunan Hijau 109 Organising Committee will lead the civil society organisations and concern community members to introduce the Earth Charter to Malaysia to promote and encourage a more sustainable and safe development path for the country.

The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future generations. It is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values to protect our very essence of life and our natural habitat, planet earth.

A working group has been set up to prepare for a gathering of civil society groups, business communities, politicians, mums and dads and people of all walks of life and age groups on October 9th in Kuantan to jointly endorse the Earth Charter. The main influential human rights groups committee in Malaysia like BERSIH2.0, SUARAM and NGOs are attending to show support as well. Local and international media/press are welcome to this event. 

This will be a unifying ground breaking historical ceremony to mark a new dawn of hopes for Malaysia. We will be united in our stance to defend our
future and our shared living space on earth.

This ceremony will put Malaysia in the international stage joining hundreds of millions of others individuals, groups, businesses and governments who have
already signed on to the Earth Charter to demand for a cleaner and safer development pathway for now and for the future to protect our life source ,planet earth and to ensure social harmony and justice.

Malaysia is a beautiful country abounds with nature’s wonder and richness known the world over. Our natural assets have sustained human life since time immemorial. It has also provided immense opportunities for a wide range of development activities and many more potentials yet to be tried. With Malaysia’s immense natural assets and human resources, there are boundless possibilities for a clean, green and safe development pathway.

However, these potentials have so far not been realised because our development path has been a mere extension of our colonial past which has been centred around resource exploitation and not on sustainability or for the well beings of the people. The situation has worsened in recent years when highly polluting projects detrimental to our natural environment and our health are approved for construction, posing serious threats to our future and our health.

All over the world, communities are hurting from destructive development projects that only bring about short term gains for a minority few. With increasing aware ness, people are now seeking a more sustainable and wholistic path that also take care of the well beings of the majority and the natural environment.

The Earth Charter is one such global instrument developed to steer our future to a more ecologically sustainable and socially just democratic path.

Facts about the Earth Charter
The Earth Charter is an instrument recognised and endorsed by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote the
transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared
ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological
integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy,
and a culture of peace.

The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building
a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire
in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for
the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future
generations. It is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on
common goals and shared values.

The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is to promote the transition to sustainable
ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that
includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal
human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of

The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is to promote the transition to sustainable
ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that
includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal
human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of

We envision individuals, organizations, businesses, governments, and multilateral
institutions throughout the world, including the United Nations General Assembly and
UN agencies, acknowledging the Earth Charter, embracing its values and principles,
and working collaboratively to build just, sustainable, and peaceful societies.

1. To raise awareness worldwide of the Earth Charter and to promote
understanding of its inclusive ethical vision.

2. To seek recognition and endorsement of the Earth Charter by individuals,
organizations, and the United Nations.

3. To promote the use of the Earth Charter as an ethical guide and the
implementation of its principles by civil society, business, and government.

4. To encourage and support the educational use of the Earth Charter in schools,

universities, religious communities, local communities, and many other

5. To promote recognition and use of the Earth Charter as a soft law document.

SMSL Press statement regarding recently formed STOP LYNAS COALITION' 27 Sept 2011

Re: Stop Lynas Coalition 
Date: 27 September, 2011.

Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL) is honoured to be invited to join the organiser, Kuantan Concern Citizens to be part of their  Stop Lynas Coalition recently.

However, after much deliberations, our committee has unanimously declined the invitation to be part of the coalition because of the following reasons:

1. SMSL’s Australian campaigns  has to be followed up closely. We have to monitor the development from our networking with the Senators, Member of Parliaments, Workers Unions and NGOs established in July and September, 2011.

2. SMSL has lined up a series of local and national  campaigns for the coming months to create a critical mass in our support to ask our government to scrap the Lynas Advance Materials Plant (LAMP) project. These programs have  to be carried out accordingly. We have limited manpower and resources. We cannot afford to overstretch our limited resources.

As such, SMSL has decided to pool all its manpower and resources to follow up and follow through  its action plans locally and abroad.

Nevertheless,SMSL will support the Stop Lynas Coalition in their collective or individual efforts to stop Lynas  and we look forward to working with them closely and synergistically.

SMSL remains a residents’ movement formed with the sole aim of stopping the LAMP from operating in Gebeng or anywhare in Malaysia.

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad blogging on the Lynas issue for whose interests?

Press Statement of Save Malaysia Stop Lynas
22 September 2011
What exactly was behind Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s motives when he challenged the Najib Government to push ahead the controversial Lynas rare earth refinery despite strong community protests?
He tried to summarize the tragic history and development of radiation health with his outdated knowledge of a doctor of yester years. The hazardous effects of x-ray was discovered by Dr Alice Stewart in her famous Oxford Twin leukaemia study in 1950s.  Since then X-ray machines have improved as health impacts of radiation and ionizing radiation became apparent, and radiological protection (sic!!) limits continued to revise downward. In 1990 the National Academy of Sciences of the USA pronounced that there is no safe dose of radiation, subsequently the crucial biological impacts of low-level ionizing radiation (BEIR V report  (1990)). We were fortunate to have the late Professor Edward Radford, who was the Chairman of the BEIR Committee,  to investigate the Papan dump and Asia Rare Earth plant during the peak of the peoples’ protests, he found the dump and plant were unsafe. 
The irony is Tun Dr Mahathir contradicted himself in the same page first referring to the lessons learnt by the medical profession in over exposing themselves to low-dose radiation by not evacuating to a safe distance whilst taking x-rays in the past.
Then he went on to say he is opposed to nuclear power plant because nuclear wastes keep on radiating harmful rays for a million years and that there is no really safe way to dispose of them.
Has he read the preliminary environmental impact assessment and IAEA panel expert report on Lynas before he voiced his opinion? Does Tun Dr M not realise that the Mt Weld ore contains both thorium and uranium which are radioactive?  Thorium especially is a hazardous substance with a half- life of 14 billion years, far, far longer than uranium.  It will continue to decay into radioactive lead, radon gas and alpha particles, which are cancer causing agent.  IAEA Panel experts also revealed that Lyans’ rotary kiln operating at 650oC, for removing the powerful and hazardous ore-surfactant, will release radioactive lead and extremely poisonous polonium.
Apart from the radioactivity aspect, the shear volumes of the Lynas waste streams – solid waste of about a quarter million Tonnes per year, is enough to fill 126 Olympic size swimming pools every year; it also contains other toxic hazardous substances such as unrecovered rare earth minerals and toxic heavy metals such as lead and barium.  For rare earth processing of Lynas, yearly about 4 million Tonnes of clean water and millions cubic meters of clean air will be polluted, half a million Tonnes of sulphuric and huge quantities of alkali will be used, and astronomical amount of electricity consumed.
SMSL is appalled by Tun Dr M’s complacent stance on the Lynas plant despite his earlier opposition to Lyans, and his own government’s dismal track record in managing the Bukit Merah rare earth case.
How many lives need to be lost and how much of land and water need to be contaminated before we will ever learn to stop accepting highly polluting hazardous projects which Malaysia do not have a track record of managing safely?
Tun Dr M is well aware of the problem of nuclear waste to the point where he has made his opposing stance against nuclear power plants clear.  How then could he develop such a blind spot on the Lynas project?

Is Tun Dr M complacency truly based on his limited understanding of nuclear science and physics or is it a convenient position for him as a father of two sons in one way or another linked to the Lynas project?

Firstly it is common knowledge that Tun Dr M’s second son Datuk  Mukhriz Mahathir is the Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister the government body MITI which approved the construction of the Lynas plant.

Secondly, Tun Dr M’s eldest son Mokhzani is the Group CEO of Kencana Petroleum which has a nice stake in the Lynas rare earth refinery project. Kencana Torsco Sdn. Bhd. Is a subsidiary of Mokhzani’s Kencaca Petroleum.  It has won lucrative contracts from Lynas Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. for the design, fabrication, lining, supply, installation, and commissioning of carbon steel and stainless steel tanks worth MYR9.1 million.
The Lynas contracts probably represented a windfall for Mokhzani since his return to the corporate world in 2007.  Back in the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis, he was written off.
It is no co-incident that Tun Dr M decided to blog on Lynas’ when its share value took its steepest tumble yesterday (21st September) in two years.   Perhaps daddy decided it was time to lend his weight to the deal to make sure Lynas is healthy enough in shareholders’ confidence to pay their bills.
What can concern residents - the majority of the mums and dad as well as youths do to keep Lynas inoperable so that they can have a peace of mind that their future will be clean and safe?
Given such entrenched vested self-interest at the elite level of politics, ordinary citizens should band together with like-minded people to claim their democratic right to reject a polluting hazardous project such as the Lynas rare earth refinery plant.
According to SMSL’s own research, one of the world’s leading banks, HSBC has recently sold millions of dollars worth of Lynas shares. SMSL has made two trips to Australia staging protest actions and engaging in public speaking tours in Lynas’ home turf of Sydney, Perth and Femantle respectively.  HSBC is a signatory to the Equator Principles ( which bound the banking giant to a set of social and environmental standards.  It is hardly surprising that through the publicity generated in Malaysia and in Australia, HSBC’s own investigation found Lynas to be too much of a reputational risk to be linked to its corporate image.
The people of Kuatan have spoken loud and clear through the various peaceful public actions, the Stop Lynas campaign is a campaign run and supported by mums and dads and ordinary people who are simply worried about having a mammoth hazardous plant nearby.  They want the plant to be stopped and they know they have the support of ordinary people to reach their goal ultimately.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas(SMSL) Press release on 15th September 2011

Press Statement
Save Malaysia Stop Lynas Media Brief on the Visit to Western Australia
Place: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Date: Thursday 15th September 2011

Why Western Australia?

What have SMSL achieved in Western Australia?
The most significant achievement of the Western Australia visit is getting ­­­­­­­the commitment by the Mayor of Fremantle Mr Brad Pettite to work with other Fremantle Councillors, state and federal politicians to call for the Lynas rare earth refinery to be relocated back to Australia.
The rare earth concentrate will be transported from Mt Weld and shipped through the port of Fremantle.  There are growing concerns in Fremantle of the risks and hazards of this material being transported as non-hazardous material.  Lynas managed to convince the state and federal governments of Australia that its thorium concentration is low enough on average to meet the legal threshold of its definition of hazardous or radioactive materials.
The state Member of Parliament for Fremantle Ms Adele Carles raised alarm on the risk of transporting the rare earth concentrate as non-hazardous materials in the state’s highway traversing through populated suburbs of Perth and the city of Fremantle.  Previously, a similar mode of transportation of lead by a company by the name of Magellan has caused serious hazards for the community living near the Port of Esperance forcing the operation to cease.  The lead is now transported through Fremantle in sealed containers. 
The people of Fremantle are already jittery with the lead being transported through their port. They are now faced with the transportation of rare earth concentrate through their suburbs.    
Ms Carles, the State Member for Fremantle is committed to call for an inquiry into the risk and hazards of the transportation of the concentrate to delay the export of the raw materials to Malaysia.
SMSL has sought assistance from the Australian National Toxic Network to get their expertise and technical knowledge to provide an in-depth analysis of the range of risks and hazards of the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) in Gebeng.  This will provide a clearer picture of the wide range of hazards and their associated problems to be considered over and beyond the narrow and limited focus of the IAEA peer review carried out on the LAMP in June.
Other MPs and the Senator have committed to raising the issues in Parliament and to look at the policy implication of Lynas’ operation.  Senator Scott Ludlam is especially keen to examine the implication of carbon “leakage” by Lynas’ shifting its most polluting part of the rare earth operation to a developing country like Malaysia which is exempted from reducing its carbon footprint at this point in time.  The Green Party which now holds the balance of power in the House of Senate would be seeking legislative measure to put in place greater control of Australian corporations operating overseas to ensure they comply with Australian laws wherever they operate.
Despite having to compete with hundreds of other media stories, the visit of SMSL has attracted several leading articles in the front page of the financial section of the major newspapers including the West Australian.  Several media interviews were carried out and were broadcasted in local radio stations.  The campaign of SMSL in Fremantle has especially got front page coverage in the Fremantle Gazette which is widely read by the people of the city.

People will lie on the road to stop the rare earth concentrate from being transported
SMSL ended the WA campaign with a theatrical protest action outside Lynas’ Perth office.  The low profile of the Lynas Perth office, hidden away in a quiet residential estate in East Perth epitomises once again the secrecy in which Lynas seemed to enjoy.  SMSL’s action exposed the true identity of Lynas and many people in the neighbourhood stood out to watch and asked about the reason for the protest action.  They showed their support upon hearing the truth.
SMSL was supported by concerned people in Perth including Fremantle Councillor Mr Sam Wainwright who acted as the driver of the Lynas evil van.  Veteran peace campaigner and a former Senator Ms Jo Valentine was also at the action to lend her support.  The protest action showed Lynas clear and loud that the people of Kuantan and towns near Gebeng will lie on the road to stop Lynas from transporting its raw material to the LAMP.

SMSL won praise in Western Australia
Ms Valentine in one of the public forums earlier in the week congratulated SMSL for staging such a strong and effective campaign to date.
“What you have done is what would take us at least 3 years to achieve.  Keep up the good work.  We are disgusted by our company doing this to you and we will do what we can here to make sure your voices are heard.”, said Ms Valentine. 
In summary, SMSL met with 7 politicians, 3 trade union organisations and/or their union representative including their peak body Unions WA.  SMSL also met and discussed the issue with Doctors for Environment, the Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA and the peak body of the environmental groups in the state, the Conservation Council of Western Australia as well as the principal solicitor of the Environmental Defenders Office.  In many of the public events, Malaysians living or studying in Perth attended and showed their support for SMSL.  All of the individuals and organisations met have undertaken to take the issues up within their capacity and in accordance with their respective roles and responsibility to delay and/or stop the project.
The campaign tour has resulted in many positive outcomes. Almost all of the people met have little knowledge of the Lynas’ plant in Malaysia and many were appalled by the modus operandi of this mining corporation and have vowed to do something in support of the Stop Lynas campaign.
SMSL returned to Malaysia in good spirit albeit the hectic and exhausting week-long campaign sleeping in bunk beds in a basic backpacker hostel at one stage and eating instant noodles on a rush in some occasions.
SMSL’s experience in WA is in stark contrast to the action taken by MCA despite its earlier promise to raise concerns with the Government through the National Economic Council. SMSL is appalled by MCA’s latest move to engage with Hua Tuan in its attempt to weaken their support for SMSL.  This is a clear indication of the lack of trust and the dishonesty on the part of MCA.  SMSL has earlier risked its supporters’ criticism by engaging with MCA giving this supposedly Chinese representing body the benefit of the doubt to do something about the Lynas issue.
So far, SMSL has not received any response from MCA despite repeated requests for an update on its promise.  MCA’s lack of action on the Lynas issues beyond paying lip services and concocting impotent proposals is a slap in the face of all the people who have sacrificed much to rally against the toxic project of Lynas.  MCA is clearly out of touch with the Chinese community including owners of many of the small to medium-size businesses who will be affected by the Lynas plant.  It is despicable that a foreign corporation’s vested interests have been prioritised over local concerns and future of Kuantan and our precious environment.
Future Direction and Actions
SMSL is hopeful and will embark on the next phase of the campaign to continue to expand its movement and to engage experts to provide more substances to its campaign. One of the immediate actions is to engage award winning short film director Ms Tan Chui Mui to make several short films to help publicise the campaign through social media and other media avenues.
SMSL will also lend support to other community actions to Stop Lynas such as the upcoming events over the weekend organised by BADAR.  Further SMSL will be actively involved in the launching of the Earth Charter in October 9th.
The campaign to Stop Lynas has now spread abroad to Australia.  SMSL will focus on strengthening the campaign in Malaysia while linking regularly with the Australian side of the campaign.
SMSL call on the people all over Malaysia to join the campaign to Stop Lynas.  If Lynas is allowed to go ahead despite the strong public opposition displayed so far, Malaysia will be at risk of other even more dangerous and hazardous projects such as nuclear reactors and heavily polluting industry from more advanced nations trying to escape stronger laws and more stringent regulation.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

陈文德:阻止稀土提炼厂作业 拯救大马委会今访澳


Save Malaysia Committee delegation, led by the Chairman, will embark on  a 9-day tour, starting tommorrow, to Perth Australia with the main agenda  to prevent the rare-earth materials from exporting via Fremantle port to Gebeng, Kuantan.
According to SMSL Chairman, Tan Bun Teet, a permanent solution must be found  before the next election, to prevent Lynas rare earths refinery from operating in Gebeng.
Funded by the proceeds of sale of t-shirts and public donation, Tan explained, although he cannot promise a definite victory from this trip, he and his team will try their utmost best to present the case in Australia. He also urged all eligible citizens to register as voters. “Do not ignore a citizen’s rights. People’s power will  play a crucial part in saying NO to Lynas when the next General Election come “
" If the fate of the people is being dictated by  several foreign companies, then, independence loses its original significance.”
In addition, he pointed out that, in the interests of the people, alliances with other groups are not excluded. A  joint appeal would also be possible. After all, working in solidarity will be more effective than working individually.
"At present, there are no formal engagement or any plan. We are prepared to work with any organisation that has an issue with the livelihood of people in the area.”
 Tan also commented, he cannot interpret Malaysian Chinese Association Kuantan District Chairman Dato Ti Lian Ker’s position on this rare earth refinery factory. In his view, politician can change their stand at any time.
On the independent expert panel set up progress, Tan revealed it is at the stage of identifying the experts  and set the scope of its research . There is no date line set on it. The most important thing is to complete the process. In addition, he also noted that investment and the economy such as tourism, bird's nest industry, fisheries, and the lower reaches of the catering industry would be greatly affected by the rare earth refinery plant.
He said the Organization will stop Lynas through judicial means.

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas(SMSL) Press release on 1st September 2011

Resolve the Lynas Issue before the Next Election.

1. SMSL wishes the "Merdeka" spirit will be a guide to our nation in resolving the Lynas issue. "Merdeka" means not only the formal expulsion of colonial rulers, but more importantly, that people are the master of their own destiny and the boss of the government. "Merdeka" will be meaningless if the people's destiny is dictated not by themselves, but by some foreign companies.

2. SMSL reiterates that the public - the residents of Greater Kuantan - Kemaman area in particular - must have the final say in the decision on LAMP. They can consider the position and recommendations of various experts, but these experts, who do not stay around the Lynas plant, cannot make decision for the locals who have been staying there for generations. Similarly, the politicians and bureaucrats who live far away cannot decide for the locals. As PM Najib said at the beginning of his term, the era of the ‘government knows best’ mentality is over.

3. SMSL believes that across ethnic, religious and economic lines, a consensus has emerged in the Greater Kuantan-Kemaman area. They want the Lynas plant to be stopped unconditionally. The presence of the Lynas plant has already damaged the property market. Its operation will surely kill tourism, bird nest, fishing, hotel, downstream cottage food industries and future investments in Kuantan and Kemaman. No amount of expert assurance can reverse this negative economic repercussions on Kuantan's economy..

4. SMSL calls for a permanent solution for the Lynas plant before the next election. It also calls upon all eligible citizens in Pahang to register themselves as voters so that their aspiration to live in a healthy and hazard free environment will not be ignored. While the SMSL  WA delegation will bring the cause to the Australian soil in Perth and Fremantle from 2nd -10th Sept 2011, other supporters of SMSL will continue their outreach work to other parts of Pahang and elsewhere.

5. SMSL demands for the disclosure of all agreements, formal or informal, between the Federal Government, the State Government and the Lynas on the LAMP project. The public deserves to know how much the Malaysian authorities may have to compensate the Lynas company if the project is cancelled.

6. SMSL will pursue its legal recourse locally and abroad to seek court actions to Stop Lynas. As such, the expert panel will be set up to justify our legal actions based on adverse environmental, economic, health and long terms effects from LAMP ‘s  toxic and radioactive pollution.

















A fundraising dinner was organized by Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas on the 26/8/2011

The night  started off with the singing of the National Anthem , Negaraku.

In his speech to the audience, SMSL Chairman, Mr Tan Boon Teet disclosed that as part of their effort  to Stop Lynas, the committee will embark on  a 9 days trip to Fremantle, Western Australia.  The main purpose of this trip is to stop Lynas from its place of origin. SMSL will meet up with the Town Mayor , Port Authority as well as Union representative in the hope of stopping Lynas from exporting the rare earth ore from the Fremantle port.  SMSL is exploiting all possible angles in its fight against Lynas to increase its odd of success.
SMSL will also be getting support from local NGOs in this trip. Local Malaysian students as well as Malaysian in Australia has also been approached to help out in 2 planned peaceful demonstration scheduled to be held in Perth
Funding for this trip will be from sales of SMSL T shirt .

According to Mr Tan Boon Teet, the Freemantle trip, together with the legal avenue SMSL will embark on, as well as the National level forum planned for the subsequent months are  all geared towards delaying  Lynas from starting its operation.
If Lynas refinery can not operate as scheduled, they will be unable to fulfill its commitments to their investors. The uncertainty and concern, as well as having an alternative investment opportunity in a new rare earth plant being built in Western Australia now may cause a fall in their stock prices and trigger automatic withdrawal of Lynas from Kuantan .”

At the dinner, Tan mentioned, all proceeding from the night collection will be used solely on the legal cost. Tan also analyzed the strategy through legal channels at will not come cheap. The general respond from the audience was to fight the case at whatever cost.

"fight!" , clapping, shouting with high morale was the respond from the audience.
"If justice, coupled with professional lawyers to help out, we are confident to win this war," Tan assures.

He said that currently, Pahang and the Malaysian Bar Association have oblidged to help out in filling the law suite.

Taman Tas Anti-Lynas Talk 稀土講座民眾被趕


據記者現場觀察所得,主辦單位在9時許開始以茶點招待當地民眾,及在內堂做設置準備,人潮在9 時45分逐增之際,忽然被一名自稱為達士花園睦鄰計劃的成員沙利及有關禮堂負責人阿祖瓦雅哈亞以講座帶有政治課題,以及參與者身穿黑衣2大理由,關掉禮堂 內的電源總掣及窗戶,拒絕當局在該禮堂舉辦活動。









A forum on Lynas rare earth refinary plant in Gebeng held in Taman Tas was stopped at the very last minute .

Abdul Wahab, claiming to be from Taman Tas Rukun Tertangga committee started turning off the power  main switch to the hall and also closed all windows just when the event was about to begin. The reason given was because the talk is political in nature and participants were wearing black T shirt. When pressed further by the organiser, he cited instruction was from the state legislator.

About  200 local residents then followed the organisers to a adjacent Chinese coffee shop to continue with the planned event in a less formal format.

Organiser 林繼昌 said he had met with Abdul Wahab on  August 16 on renting the hall for the rare earth talk.  A RM100 ringgit deposit was also been paid. A temporary receipt, with his name, address, date, and the small print of the deposit paid has also been given.

"At the time he agreed to rent, so we had to give up  on rented hall 12 miles away. Now they have denied the use of the hall on political issue ground”
He believes this is due to pressure from the state legislators. 
"We have discussed with the Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas commitee to have the next event held in a restaurant."

On the refusal to refund the hall rental,林繼昌 said he did not care. He just  feel sorry, because citizens do not get the freedom of speech.

"This is the third stoppage on our talk. I am mentally prepared, this is only a small blow, we will not back down, but persistent efforts to seek major breakthrough."
"Sungai Leambing Hakka Association verbally agreed to loan us their hall, while the Hainan Association has it stated in black and white. Both were  eventually canceled due to mis communication . We will still insist of writting for future renting of halls. "

"I have studied for more than a year in Perak. Just moved back to Kuantan and settled in Taman Tas. Have been paying close attention to this rare earth subject. Today happens to be passing through . Was looking forward to the talk to gain further understanding.
"I think the person stopping the organisers has been very unfriendly and impolite. Isn’t this a public hall? How can they simply chase people away?” 

Residents have the right to use the hall
"Hall is for the public. Of course social issues are to be dicussed in  public hall . No reason to refuse entry using a political issue excuse”
"This is a public hall for Taman Tas residents.Since the ruling party can used it to organize activities, residents should have the right to use, especially Taman Tas’s residents."

"I am very concerned about the rare-earth issues. From time to time monitor the movement of save Malaysia. Living in Taman Tas makes it difficult to participate in their activities. On learning their arrival to Taman Tas today, I came to buy T shirt and give support."
"A rare occasion and timing, but the activity was canceled, I was really disappointed.” 

"Specially came for this talk to know more about the progress of the rare earth plants. Only read form the newspapers  the news of the committee, never heard them talk before. Really dissapointed."

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